Tuesday, January 24, 2006


We have a Senile Minister (ex PM) who wanted to build a 'gracious society'.

But then we have a Mental Minister threatening pilots with 'broken heads & broken bones'.

We have a minister who promised "Goal 2010" but reversed that promise one year later.

We have a Senile Minister (ex PM) who promised to restore the CPF cut but reneged on that promise. He even chided a fellow PAP MP who called it a 'betrayal'.

We have a minister who is also a union chief asking for the CPF cut to 'come soon as soon as possible."

We have a minister who supported the NKF's CEO & Board even when those in the know told him otherwise. And all he could say later was, "I look silly myself".

We have a minister who claimed that allowing bar-top dancing will lead to "bloodshed".

We have a minister who introduced SAT exams for students only to reverse that policy hardly one year later.

We have a minister who has no control over the number of deaths in the SAF - although we are in peace time.

We have ministers who restored their own pay cuts within just one year while telling Singaporeans that they will have to wait longer for their CPF to be restored.

We have a minister who boasted about 'earning 5 times more' in the private sector.

We have a Senile Minister who said that "Retrenchment is good for Singapore".

We have a Clown Minister who could not even do a proper Guard Of Honour inspection in Germany

Lets look at this time-bombs first that have exploded on our faces before asking the WP to explain their "time-bombs".

"The Real Time Bombs" are courtesy of PeasantMonkey from Sammyboy forums

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