Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hunter Valley

What are you guys doing this Saturday? It's the second last day of the Easter one week break. The Singapore Student Association is organising a trip up to Hunter Valley and I hope you guys will support us. As an association, we try to provide the best for our members. We don't gain anything from organising such activities except money to continue to function as a student body that is actively seeking to promote student welfare.

I know that this holiday, some of you guys have already made plans to go for a road trip. Some of you may have planned trips with a couple of good friends and have already chosen your destination. However, I urge you people to reconsider and give SSA your support.

As a student body that is created by students for students, we rely heavily on the support of our members. Our association is formed with the intention to create cohesion amongst Singaporeans. Some of you may have met your best buddies in Sydney through us and some of you may have relied heavily on our support programs to accustom to life in Sydney. In any case, we are willing to go the extra mile for the Singaporean students that are currently studying here in Sydney. And that is why we are organising this trip to allow everyone to bond yet again.

No doubt, going for road trips in small groups are fun. Yet, to forgo a bond between a group of close friends is to gain a rich and enriching experience of getting to meet new people. Nothing is better than building a strong network of friends and it is always essential in life to have connections. A trip up to Hunter Valley will not only seek to entertain with its sights and sounds but it will also seek to bolster closer ties between people who are not yet familiar with each other.

Since its creation, SSA has been striving to achieve the aim of social cohesion. We want to bring Singaporeans together. And if we are to achieve this, we need your support. We need you to participate in our activities. We need your overwhelming response not only in events of clubbing but in other areas as well. Activities like road trips to Hunter Valley is a fuss and hangover free way to meet new people and experience fun and excitment.

If we can gain your support in our activities, the SSA will go from strength to strength. A strong and cohesive Singaporean community is something that will eventually benefit everyone. If there is a overwhelming support for the Hunter Valley trip this Saturday, it will be a mandate of sorts for us to continue to organise activities such as these. I am sure you guys will not want us to just be known for our clubbing prowess. We are an association that is more than that. This committee is working to create a new dimension and we need your support.

So, come this Saturday, please flock in droves to support our trip up to Hunter Valley. Email our organiser. I am sure you have seen the details in your emails. Leave the car at home and join us in a journey which will be fun filled, entertaining and enriching.

We at the SSA are committed to providing the best experience for your studies here in UNSW, Sydney. Supporting us will eventually benefit you.

Hope to see you there this Saturday.


Your Member Relations Officer,


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